Category Archives: 1900s

Dark Treacle Pudding

Today’s recipe (actually made on Sunday night) is from a collection of Edwardian pudding recipes published by Copper Beech books who do several of this sort of thing. This volume was edited by one of their regulars, one Julie Lessels, about whom the internet refuses to give me any more information. Many of the puddings in this book are steamed, although there are a few tarts and some fritters.

Initially, I was going to make ‘half-pay pudding’, but you have been spared this flippant nod to the horror-story that is the current socio-economic situation, when I realised it would be more expensive to make than the first pudding in the book.
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The Gourmet’s Guide to Europe

It’s been too long since we had a party so we have decided to throw just a little one this Saturday to celebrate Eurovision! Many recipes from European countries, both authentic and… otherwise, but all vintage, will follow.

To get you in the mood (well, to get you in some sort of mood), here is an extract from The Gourmet’s Guide to Europe by Lt-Col Newham-Davis and Algernon Bastard (1903):

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