Dutch Apple Pie

Guest post! Today, seasoned commenter Salada takes us through a classic apple pie. Due to the unusual weather, the apple harvest is excellent  this year, so shop prices are reasonable and if you’re really lucky, a friend, relative or Freecycler will give you some windfalls for free.

Just a bit late for pie month!  The first apple pie of the season, made
approximately to Barbara Hammond’s Dutch Apple Pie  (a double crust plate pie) recipe from Cooking Explained (1963 edition).

Short-crust pastry made from 6oz flour, 3oz fat, 2 tablespoons water, pinch
salt [or puff/flaky equivalent]
3/4lb cooking apples, thinly siced
2 oz brown sugar
1 oz flour
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Grated rind 1/2 lemon (optional)

1. Divide the pastry into 2 pieces, one slightly smaller.  Roll the smaller
one thin and line a pie plate 8″/20cm diameter.

2. Mix the dry ingredients, toss the apples in the mixture and mound them
neatly on the pastry base.  Moisten the uncovered edge with water.

3. Roll out the other piece of pastry (it helps it stay circular if you
start it as a ball shape); lift the pastry on the rolling pin and cover the
filling.  Press the edges together, trim, flake and flute the edges.

Trimmings may be cut into decorations.  Cut at least one neat slit in the
top to release steam.

4. Leave plain or glaze with a little milk or egg-white and dust with caster
sugar.  (A plain pie can be dusted with icing sugar before serving.)

More pie assembly advice here

5. Bake 45-60 minutes, middle oven, starting at gas 6 for 15 minutes, then
gas 3 for the remaining time.  (When cooked it will steam and a gentle prod,
through a slit, with a skewer or small knife will tell you if the fruit is
cooked soft.)

I used Newton Wonder and Discovery apples, white sugar instead of brown and omitted the lemon zest.

Although using cooking apples such as Bramleys, would have resulted in a slightly sharper and to my taste better flavour, this was an excellent pie from an incredibly reliable recipe.

Apple’d by Salada


Got an old recipe you’d like to try and then tell the internet about? Email us vintagecookbooktrials[AT]gmail[DOT]com

3 responses to “Dutch Apple Pie

  1. This looks absolutely wonderful. I’ve been looking all over for really good apple pie recipes as winter is now closing in! The cinnamon would add a really nice flavour, looking forward to trying it.

  2. Yum! Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. In the past I’ve made it with cinnamon and lemon – as per recipe – a winning combination; but cinnamon alone is still great with apple.